Sponsor Rainforest Protection & Restoration

Your donations have built this rainforest preserve and are funding the reforestation project that surrounds it. Together we are protecting and restoring the most endangered rainforest on earth. You can choose how to help through the options below.

Current Appeals

Donate to one of our core programs or give a regular donation below.


Sponsor the purchase and protection of an acre of rainforest to save biodiversity


Support local families in their transition to regenerative agroforestry


Offset your carbon footprint to help fight global climate change

Regular Donation

Support Our Conservation Mission


Regular donations can be made at the amount and frequency that works best for you. Regular donations to TMA ensure that we can continue to protect and restore the Pacific Forest of Ecuador. All donations go directly towards supporting our incredible field team who have dedicated their lives to this important work. At a time of global ecological crisis, this work has never been so important.

Recurring Donor Dashboard


Recurring donors who have programmed donations can review, edit, or cancel their donations by using the Donor Dashboard link below. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our donor relations team at: info@tmalliance.org

Donor Dashboard

Other Ways To Give

Donate Cryptocurrencies

Donating Crypto is a tax-efficient way to donate with no capital gains tax on appreciation, so we’ve partnered with The Giving Block to securely accept a variety of cryptocurrencies.

Donate Crypto

Donate Stocks

When you donate stocks, you get the same write-off as a cash gift, but you owe no taxes on the stocks you donate – a win-win for you and TMA!

Donate Stocks Now

Create a Giving Circle

Gather 4-6 of your friends, family and peers to multiply your impact. Send us an email (info@tmalliance.org) to discuss how we can support your outreach.

Give by Mail

Check or money orders? Make payable to “Third Millennium Alliance”. Checks and money orders must be in US dollars. Mail to:
Third Millennium Alliance
36900 Bodily Ave.
Fremont, CA 94536

Special Donations

Sponsors who want to make make donations larger than $10,000 should contact our Executive Director directly.

Contact form

Give From A Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

Most Popular Questions

Is the Jama-Coaque Reserve open to Researchers/ Scientists/ Student Groups?

Yes, the Jama-Coaque Reserve is open to researchers and student groups looking to carry out independent research or educational activities. The Bamboo House research and education center offers complete amenities and facilities for those visiting the Reserve, including: 26 beds, 2 dry compost toilets, 2 showers, kitchen, classroom, electricity, and internet. 

Those interested in carrying out independent research or educational activities in the Reserve can contact us to learn more about the facilities and associated fees. Contact us here: info@tmalliance.org  (please also CC: moises@tmalliance.org).

How do you pronounce “Jama-Coaque”?

You can download a recording of the proper pronunciation here.


The letter “J” in Spanish is pronounced like an “H” in English—that’s the key. So “Jama” is pronounced like “Hama.” 

“Coaque” is more straightforward. It’s pronounced like “Koh-Ah-Kay.”

Altogether: “Hama Ko-Ah-Kay”

What are the leading causes of deforestation in coastal Ecuador?

Historically, cattle ranching is the leading cause of deforestation in coastal Ecuador, followed by slash-and-burn agriculture, mostly for corn cultivation. Monoculture plantations of palm oil trees and teak trees also play a significant role. Along the shoreline, mangrove forests have been cleared to make way for shrimp farms. 

In general terms, the driver of deforestation in coastal Ecuador and throughout tropical Latin America is unsustainable agricultural expansion, which is primarily driven by the demand for meat and dairy. Cattle ranching, alone, causes 71% of deforestation in South America. In coastal Ecuador in particular, cattle are primarily raised to produce beef. 


How much does it cost to plant a tree?

The actual planting of a tree doesn’t cost much—but that, on its own, doesn’t really solve the problem. In our estimation, the actual planting of a tree represents maybe 2% of the overall work required to raise a tree to maturity. So the real question is: how much does it cost to raise a tree to maturity? 

Our Community Reforestation Program costs $3,025, over a five-year period, to plant and raise over 300 trees in one acre of land (750 trees per hectare). If we divide the overall cost by the total number of trees, it comes out to about $10 per tree. Our overall survival rates typically exceed 90%, which includes a policy of replacing all trees that don’t survive the first five years.

How do we monitor the land to ensure that it is actually being reforested?

We monitor every single reforestation parcel three times per year using four overlapping methods, to ensure that nothing goes unnoticed.

  1. In-person site visits
  2. A state-of-the-art digital technology platform called FARM-TRACE
  3. High-resolution satellite images
  4. Aerial drone photographs of each parcel

We analyze and archive the satellite and aerial imagery for every single parcel. We also share these images with the people who sponsored the reforestation of that particular parcel. This is how sponsors can literally watch these forests grow over time.